My Adoring Public/Partners in Crime

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


OK! Kids!

Here goes! My very good furrend @BrutusTheDane wants to be famous and has been sniffing around ma Norty Step - could probably still smell @Marleyterrier's singed butt after he blew up @Kolo_Martin and myself a few months ago - and who am I to disappoint!!  Only problem is da wot norty fings has Bru done?

@Brutusthedane in all his glory....
but not for long!!!!!

Here is his very special calling card - his Mum must have da bestest and most fertile veggie garden in all of da US -

Anyone for tennis?  All balls recycled!!

OMC! I haz never seed a cow poop as much in one go!!!  **holds nose**!!  I bet when Brutus toots, his Mum has enough supply of gas for the whole of the West USA.  Now wonder we haz global warmings!! 

Now, the next piccy will surprise many of you (or may be not)!  Our Brutus is not just a Shibbering Cheeto, BUT also a Shivvering Chickacheetah!!!!!

Oh! Yes! Our Bru does male modelling in his spare time!!
**You are so tooty & frooty Bru**

And here is one of Brutus' "Hot Dawgs" - **looks more like she finking "what was dat all about"**!!

Well, da Earth did not move for me!!

And here is one of our Bru strutting his stuff:

"He's gotta be SO MACHO...."

And finally...........

What's dat piece of pink floof between your legs, Bru?

Ma Norty Step is currently being re-built and extended as der are so many norty boys and girls out der just begging to be on ma step!!

I love you, Bru!!


Sunday, 16 May 2010



Just take a look at dis very norty boy!  He has finally made it to da Norty Step!  I have to find our all da norty fings he has done...but I need more time.....!!!  Oh! dis is gonna be such fun digging da doit on -


And dis one just gotta go on da Norty Step for being a complete pain in da butt morning, noon and night!1  Mummy agrees wiv me to!

Dat Trea
who finks dat Margherita is a prettier kitteh den me

Dat Tart
who sneaks around after me all da time!

And Dat Mama 
for telling me off for shooting her a south paw dis evening!!

Loves you all,
Da Jazzer XXXXX

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Just a teaser BUT here are a few more culprits on ma NORTY STEP!!


Just to whet your appetites des two norty boys have just gotta be putted on ma norty step for being very flirty wiv da girls!!!

Who are des two rascals?  Dems is Thor(minator) and Rio
da bruvs of dat norty minx Raven!!!

And here is annuver self-confessed norty boy who did somefink norty and who's name was given to me yesterday....

Henry @Quadpawd
(wonder what he did?!)

And here is some norty,  tarty girl on da arm of dat well-fit Prime(Beefcake) Minister of da UK!!  Who coulds dat be?

Jazz 'n' Dave
(dat could be a great name for a pop duo?!)

Don't have nightmares!!
