My Adoring Public/Partners in Crime

Monday, 15 June 2009

Bluebottle was murdered, not eated!

On further investigation I found out dat Mum has not eated my bluebottle but she had doned for him wiv some spray which made him go stiff and turn up his toes! I founded him yesterday and made Mummy feel bad about what she had doned! She grovelled suitably (until next time!) and we gave bluebottle a proper send off! Mummy was clearly upsetted as she had a grimace on her face and muttered "it's disgusting" as she put bluebottle in his last resting place! To placate, me she opened a jar of Shittums (or is is Shiphams?) crab pate and let me eated it from her finger! I felt much betterer!

Trea ordered me a new Duckie which is winging is way across the Atlantic right now! So I will have Ratsies and Duckie to park under the furniture out of paw reach! Dat means that Trea will have to get dem out and, even betterer, I gets to bite her bum in da process!! Hi Paws!!!

Trea is at work today which means I can prowl around the house wivout being constantly spied on! She is always making me jump! I sometime let my stinky gland go on her to make my point!!

Well, Mummy Darling needs me so I had better go and tuck up on her laps!