My Adoring Public/Partners in Crime

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Just a teaser BUT here are a few more culprits on ma NORTY STEP!!


Just to whet your appetites des two norty boys have just gotta be putted on ma norty step for being very flirty wiv da girls!!!

Who are des two rascals?  Dems is Thor(minator) and Rio
da bruvs of dat norty minx Raven!!!

And here is annuver self-confessed norty boy who did somefink norty and who's name was given to me yesterday....

Henry @Quadpawd
(wonder what he did?!)

And here is some norty,  tarty girl on da arm of dat well-fit Prime(Beefcake) Minister of da UK!!  Who coulds dat be?

Jazz 'n' Dave
(dat could be a great name for a pop duo?!)

Don't have nightmares!!
