I am an 8 year old rescued kittycat who loves, loves, loves water!! I enjoy having "conversations" with anyone who is willing to listen! I have lots of CATtitude but I am really a very gentle girlie who never uses her clawsies...but I do like to biteds ankles, bums and fings!! I was also married to @Cokiethecat from 23 November 2010 to October 2013 when ma boy made his final journey OTRB! I live in London, UK.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Yo! Da Jazzer is back.....
Dis is let you know dat da Jazzer is back on her Bloggy and helping with the Duckie Club in all it's glory!!
It has been a while since I posted anything of note but Mummy Enid was not very well and Trea just ran out of time adjusting to being the "carer"! Well, Mummy Enid is going great guns at 88 and, although dat Trea has not got dat much free time, she wants to get me blogging again!!! Here is me on da Apple MacBook - finking!!!!!
Lubs always,
Saturday, 4 February 2012
A year in the life of Jazzy and her family!
First of all I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2012...if somewhat belated! This past year had flown by at nano speed. not least because dat Trea took early retirement from her University job at the end of May 2011. Since that time, Mummy and me have been run ragged by da wretched girl always having some pressing project which needs her attention! I am da ONLY project to which she should be devoting her time!
In early May last year Trea met with the lovely @Teaganthedog's Mum, Sarah, and her Daddy, Gary, and they managed ti snatch a quick lunch at the Uni. Unfortunately, on that occasion, Teagie Weagie was not able to join them on da trip to London Town! And Trea was really excited when @Dogstoyevsky's Mum, Wendy, was able to attend her retirement bash! **Suddenly all the academics "lived in Essex" and were totally bowled over by this bubbly blonde!!**
So, the first thing which we did was to get both the back and front gardens professionally overhauled. They had got a bit out of hand...and Trea finally realised that "less is more"! Below are just a few of the things we have done or planted!
Friday, 20 January 2012
Jazzer is alive and well and gearing up.......
Happy New Year 2012!!!
Sorry for not keeping this Bloggy up to date but last year was such a busy one for one, not least cos dat Trea tooked Early Retirement ...so dat she could laze around on da sofa with me!!!
Anyway, a new posting will soon appear with lots of piccies and fings!
Loving you all,
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Watch dis space - Da Jazzer is getting active!
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Please join in the fun and post a goggley-eyed piccy on your bloggy!!!
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
My Review of Shaggy Ducks & Frogs Cat Toys
Originally submitted at Nip and Bones
Shaggy Ducks and Frogs toys for cats are shaggy plush cat toys infused with honeysuckle, a tempting alternative to catnip that drives cats wild. Each toy measures 2 1/2" and has a fun rattle inside. You will receive either a Duck or Frog, if you would like to choose please let us know in the ...
Bite size fun for cats!
Pros: Safe, Fun, Durable, Cat Likes It, Colorful
Best Uses: Active Cats, Leave Around The House, House Cats
Describe Yourself: Long-time Pet Owner
Pressie for MizzBassie's siblings and they love them! Bite size!
My Review of Skinneeez Plush Exotic Pink Flamingo
Originally submitted at Nip and Bones
Skinneeez is a stuffing free dog toy. So now no more mess to pick up! Bring out your dog's natural hunting instinct with this realistic Skinneeez animal. Dogs will enjoy hours of flip-flopping fun with these animals. The animals have 2 squeekers in them, one in the head and one in the tail for ...
Pressie for Siddy!
Pros: Dog Likes It, Easy to Clean, Tough, Fun, Colorful, Great for shaking, Safe
Best Uses: Indoors, Active Dogs, Larger Dogs
Describe Yourself: Long-time Pet Owner
Sidthecatahoula loves da flamingo!!! He canz shakes it about and it does not bite back! XXX
My Review of Cat-Man-Doo's Dried Bonito Flakes
Originally submitted at Nip and Bones

Cat-Man-Doo Extra Large Bonito Flakes offer the one and only stay-fresh sealed container on the market. They are the only Bonito Flake utilizing this stay-fresh process. This makes the Bonito Flakes comparable to no other! The superior packaging allows the flakes to arrive to you fresh, flavorful, ...
How to charm your mancat- Cokiethecat
Pros: Cleans Teeth, Digests Well, Fun, Easy To Chew, Nutritional, Tasty
Best Uses: Everyday, So dat Cokie knows I lubs, Special Reward
Cokie just loves them!
My Review of Skinneeez Ducks for Cats
Originally submitted at Nip and Bones

Bring out your cats natural hunting instincts with these realistic Skinneeez Ducks for cats. Your cats will enjoy hours of entertainment pouncing on and batting at our stuffing free Skinneeez. Stuffing free and Catnip filled
Great fun for the whole family!
Pros: Cat Likes It, Safe, Durable, Fun
Cons: None
Best Uses: House Cats, Special Playtime, Leave Around The House
Describe Yourself: Long-time Pet Owner
Bought them as a pressie for MizzBassie's babies!